We are just about a quarter done already. Marking my completion percentage has always been a way to encourage myself to keep doing the hard things. It's something I learned from running track as a child. It's much easier to push the last half of a race when you are excited that you finished the first half. As an adult runner and coach I still use this as well as a physical smile. It's harder to have negative self-talk when you are smiling. Yes, I am that runner at the park sweating her face off grinning ear to ear while you walk your dog. That smile is key to me finishing the hard things. I can't say that I've found 21 Day Fix to be hard. I think that's the point it supposed to be doable and get you results. I'll show you what kind of results Supportive Husband Guy and I are getting around day 7. I have those before pics all set and waiting for us to have progress pics too so I can share. You know you are curious what real people who are just living their life and trying to establish healthy habits look like through this program. I know I never really trust the infomercials and ads. I can tend to be a really pain in the butt skeptic.
And yet, while I don't find it a difficult program today was a mentally difficult day. It would have been so easy to change into my comfy pants and crash out on the couch with the kids. But, I didn't. I went up stairs and changed into cute workout clothes because sometimes that really does make a difference. I set up my mat and found our scheduled workout. Me taking the steps to do the workout pushed Supportive Husband Guy to do it to. An ice storm snow day plus cabin fever and still having to work jobs will create a funk. It was one of those workouts where you keep telling the nasty little voice inside your head to shut up. I am glad to say that at one point we both had to pause the workout and rewind because we were laughing so hard. Endorphins, they are really good stuff!
Food today was not noteworthy. It was a disappointing dinner. Sometimes it happens and food is just fuel. I did review the food plan for tomorrow and it is way more delicious. I'm learning as I go.
So while today was not as amazing as I would like to report that's going to happen at times. You are going to have challenging days. What matters in on those difficult days you don't give in you keep pushing. I feel good having made the commitment to push through and stay the course. Now, I get to end this challenging day with a smile.
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