Spring is here . . . and it's snowing. I had high hopes but this is Pennsylvania and snow on the first day of Spring isn't unheard of but is sure is disappointing. In spite of the arrival of snow my 21 Day Fix is almost finished. I have one more workout to do and I'm done. I will have completed the 21 Day Fix.
But before I wrap I have a confession. On day 20 I completely caved at dinner. I was tired after an emotionally tasking day and I was tired of cooking for three weeks straight and tired of doing all the things as a parent by myself. I was tired. That tired meant we got Dominos pizza for dinner and cinnastix. Yep. There's that all out in the open now. I did great the rest of the day and that was the only time I caved and threw the eating plan out the window. Day 20 was also supposed to be Plyo Fix for the workout. I didn't do it. Supportive Husband Guy and I went to play an hour of pick up indoor soccer with some people from church instead. It's still quite a work out so I have no shame in that decision at all. I love soccer and don't have the chance to play nearly as much as I would like.
I am excited to complete this program. I am pleased with the results. Seriously, I had no idea the difference 21 days was going to make. I did not expect these results. You'll get to see what the final results are tomorrow. I don't think they are going to be super drastic in comparison to the first week or two but we'll see won't we.
Would I recommend this to others? You bet I would. It is easy. It does not villainize any particular food groups like other programs do. I was not hungry and I feel like I have found my way back to a healthier relationship with food and fitness after months of recovery from getting hit in the head. I'm really looking forward to continuing with the momentum I've established. I will be selecting one of the Insanity programs to start tomorrow. I've run and done Insanity before so I know what kind of results I can get from doing both at the same time.
I will continue to share my journey as I move into another program and would welcome anyone to come along and join me in the path toward health. True Spring is coming. That's what I hear anyway. Right now I'm still looking at a whitewashed world out my windows.
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